Payment Options

Payment can be made by:

1/   Credit card , processed through the Paypal incrypted gateway. Paypal Is a well known and accepted incrypted portal for credit card payments in the USA and is becoming more well known in NZ. You do not need to be a Papal member. The Paypal page allows non members to pay using the link at the bottom right of the page as a Paypal quest.

2/   Internet banking to:  Office Consumables L.t.d
                                     Acc. No: 010186 0335027 00

      Add your items to the CART and complete the shipping details page. Go to the Paypal page and then jump out of the page. At that stage the incompleted order is sent through to me with your delivery detail. Confirm that you have paid by internet banking in the Contact Us page, also leaving your phone number.

3/ Give me a call on 098133882 . We can process credit card payments over the phone.


4/ An account can be set up if you are considering future orders also.